St. James Presbyterian Church (USA)
“Serving the Kingdom of God for One Hundred and Twenty- Nine Years
in the City of New York."
May 12, 2024, the Seventh Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Mother’s Day
Photo: Andre D. Wagner
Come, Let Us Worship Together • All Are Welcome
409 West 141st & Street & St. Nicholas Avenue, New York, NY 10031-6400
Order of the Worship Service
Prelude Oscar Maxwell III
Psalm Psalm 1
*Call to Worship RE Andréa Bradford
One: "In this here place, we flesh; flesh that weeps, laughs; flesh that dances on bare feet in the grass.”[1]
All: This is our call to worship today, as Beloved’s mama, Baby Suggs called the free to worship in the clearing,
One: She calls us to laugh, to weep, to dance, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
All: Mothers call us to worship in defiance of those who would see us suffer! We hear you! And we will honor your blessed teaching that our souls can soar to God in our worship.
Opening Hymn “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love” PH 367
Prayer of Adoration RE Andréa Bradford
We hear of your splendor in "Their Eyes Were Watching God" as a young girl claims the power of a pear tree in bloom. “That was to say, ever since the first tiny bloom had opened. It had called her to come and gaze on a mystery.” [2] And here, under the watchful eyes of grandmothers, we are spellbound by the mysteries of your call to us in the winds of tree branches. We can see the world you created for us is a temple of holiness.
Musical Response “In the Beauty of Holiness” Nettie Lester Sawyer
Call to Confession RE Andréa Bradford
We know full well how confession teaches us lessons we can use to grow. Like the aunties in the neighborhood who call home when you do wrong, God's watchful eyes see. And just like momma, when you get home, God wants to hear the truth. Let us bring our confession in truth.
Dear God, you know it was a long walk home to face the mothers when the school called home. It was a longer walk home when you knew you did wrong and had to face the music. It was the longest walk home as you dreaded hearing the words, "I'm so disappointed in you." We take this walk to your altar, oh God. We confess our sins in the hopes that you will forgive us. Even the smallest drops of your love fill our confessing souls to overflowing. Amen.
Silent Confession
Musical Response “Even Me” PH 370
Assurance of Pardon RE Andréa Bradford
In the clearing, Baby Suggs claims the very power of life that freedom delivers, that was there all along. God's forgiveness is like that; it blesses and frees us to live right for our righteousness and God's joy.
Musical Response “If You Live Right” Congregational Praise Song
Community Life
"All mine are yours, and yours are mine." These words of Jesus bring us to his very heart and to God's side. Here is the peace of Christ. May the peace of Christ be with you.
And also, with you.
Prayer of Illumination
Jesus, you prayed for us that we might be set aside for truth and your word. May the reading of our word sanctify us. Amen
Scripture First Reading Acts 1.15-17, 21-26
Second Reading 1 John 5.9-13
Gospel Reading 17.1-25
Let the Children Come “Somebody Prays for You”
Special Music “Shine On Me” African American Spiritual
Sermon “Mother’s Chosen, All Favored” Rev. Dr. Derrick McQueen
*Congregational Hymn “He’ll Understand and Say Well Done” Lucy E. Campbell
Prayers of the People
*Sending Hymn “Called as Partners in Christ’s Service” PH 343
*Musical Amen
The End of Worship, The Beginning of Service
[1] Morrison Toni. Beloved. Vintage International, 2004.
[2] Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Virago Press, 2018.
Please Join us in our Ministries
Here are a just a few . . .
Stewardship Scholarship* Christian Education
Worship and Music *Nominations *Community Partnerships
Buildings and Grounds *Outreach Personnel
Weavers of Faith Fundraising *Entertainment Ministry
St. James Presbyterian Church (USA), Community Life,
May 12, 2024
Welcome to Worship at St. James, a warm and friendly Christian congregation. We have faithfully served this community and the City of New York for 129 years. If you are visiting with us, we pray that our fellowship today will bless you. Here at St. James, we hope you will find the presence of the Spirit, the people of God, and the Word lived in faith and works.
Did you know you can schedule your weekly or monthly pledge through PayPal?
This convenient online giving portal can be found on our website at You are welcome to join in sponsoring the ministry of St. James.
Building Upkeep. Did you know that in 1904, 120 years ago, the construction of this sanctuary began on this corner? Still Standing today, we are grateful that God provides! The Building and Grounds Committee thanks everyone who continuously shares to support the work needed in our beautiful church. Donations are always welcomed and should specify that your gift is for Buildings and Grounds. The Session and Buildings and Grounds Committee will be sharing our plans over the next six months to help our beloved sanctuary continue serving this neighborhood.
In gratitude always,
Harriet Ray/Moderator, Building and Grounds
To join our worship at St. James virtually, please log onto Zoom at or call 646-558-8656, Meeting ID 974 313 964.
St. James members, we ask that you prayerfully consider how God may be calling you to serve the church. Perhaps you want to help reach out to our sick and shut-in members. Maybe you'd like to learn how to lead a church committee. There are openings in both the session and the deacons. If you'd like to learn more, don't hesitate to get in touch with Rev. McQueen. After prayerful discernment and counsel, there may be a way forward to help serve!
Prayer Requests - Let us be prayerful and faithful in the attention given to the sick and shut-in members and friends of St. James Presbyterian Church. Please see one of our deacons or session members for more information. We are praying for you: Elder Butler Dowery, Ms. Fanny Harvey, Ruling Elder Dorothy Green, Ruling Elder Eric Williams, Dr. Frank Lasala, Mrs. Doris Kelsey, Mrs. Ethel Lee, Mrs. Mary Sespedes, Elder Kalua Malau Morrison, Patricia “Pat” Irving, Margaret Davis, Gloria Rhynie, Gwen Daniels, Sunday Simmons, Phillip, Jahya, Deacon Kenneth Ambrose, Lesly Jones and her son Rennick, Stephen Smart, Charles Davis, Phyllis Hope, Joyce Kouassi, Gwendolyn Terrell, Brenda Maxwell Ferebee, our community, all who are grieving, and whoever is on your heart.
Members of St. James, please remember to keep your tithes and offerings current, pray over, and remember to send your 2024 pledge to the church @ [email protected]. You can also sign up for a recurring offering via our website’s PayPal button. For more information on setting up a monthly online offering, please speak to the pastor or a member of the Finance Committee.
Approximately $60 is assessed for our church per member —The Finance/Stewardship Committees.
12 What shall I return to the LORD
for all his bounty to me?~ Psalm 116.
Are you feeling called to make St. James your church home?
If you would like to join or have a conversation about becoming a member, please join us for coffee hour and speak to one of our elders or deacons. Ask about our affiliate membership too! We welcome everyone to consider making St James Presbyterian Church their church home.
There will be Bible Study tomorrow, Monday, May 13, 2024. The Zoom invitation link is:
Phone-in: 646-931-3860. You will be instructed to give meeting ID & Passcode
Meeting ID: 351 839 677
Passcode: 409141
Revised Common Lectionary Readings for Sunday, May 19, 2024, the Day of Pentecost (Year B)
- First Reading Acts 2:1-21
- Or alternate First Reading Ezekiel 37:1-14
- Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
- Second Reading Romans 8:22-27
- Or alternate Second Reading Acts 2:1-21
- Gospel John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15
From My Mom to You ~“The tears you shed water the seeds of your strength.”
~Words to a wounded heart on the subway dmc
Holmes Presbyterian Camp Open House-The Presbyterian Women are organizing a trip to our Presbyterian camp in Holmes, NY on July 27, 2024. It will be a day of activities by the lake, hiking, and more! Please contact RE Wendy Hoskins, moderator of Presbyterian Women, for more information.
Last Sunday, April 28, 2024, St. James celebrated its 129th Anniversary. That’s 129 years of ministry in the city of New York. St. James extends the legacy of our Mother Church Shiloh Presbyterian church founded in 1822. Part of our stewardship tradition is to share an offering of $1 for each year of ministry. There is still an opportunity to share your offering of $129 To celebrate this milestone. You might also consider sharing an offering on behalf of a loved one, a youth as promise of our future, or asked friends and loved ones to join with us in this offering. Thank you for being with us last week and always!
Stewardship for 2023 “Ministry Impact Giving”
"Ministry Impact Stories." We want people who give to recognize that we have bills to pay—25K+ per year for insurance, 3-4K per month in the winter for heat and electricity, etc. But we are more than just the bills we pay. St. James is honored to have over twenty active community partners with whom we actively engage.
As you pray and discern how you would like to invest in the impact of the ministries of St. James for 2024, we encourage you to think about what it means to give 1/10th of your earnings as a tithe. In the year 2023, here are just a few ways in which your gifts have made an impact on the world:
¨ We have built community partnerships that are in conversations to keep drug dealers out of St. Nicholas Park and to keep addressing gun violence.
¨ We have created community goodwill among neighbors of all cultures with the year-round follow-up of ministry after the Annual Multi-Cultural Festival held outside our doors.
¨ We are a key voice in the conversation of equitable development in our neighborhood and for partnerships for sustainable community use of worship spaces.
¨ We support the hundreds of community youth participating in the basketball tournaments sponsored by Harlem Up N Coming (Team HUNC) every summer. We have been the face of community support for youth that works to get academic honors to match their athletic pursuits and are their prayer partner in the community.
¨ We have helped countless families deal with addiction and recovery by holding our space open for a weekly 12 Step meeting for over 38 years.
¨ We have opened our doors to hundreds of international visitors who have shared the power of this worship service in their lives around the world.
¨ We have created a safe and bold space for our youth to grow in their faith and walk with moral courage in the world.
¨ We model a bold liturgy to be a prayerful keepsake for your spiritual life.
¨ We offer a diverse array of music traditions that speak to the Holy Spirit’s call on our worship life.
¨ St. James is the first African American Presbyterian Church in NYC to be open and affirming to ALL God’s children.
¨ St. James carries the tradition of our mother church, Shiloh Presbyterian, the first African American Presbyterian Church in the City of New York founded in 1822.
These are just a few things we do at St. James Presbyterian Church! Please consider these things as you answer the call, "How can I be a part of St. James' Ministry Impact?" Blessings to you all!
What does it mean to be a Presbyterian, a member, or an affiliate member of St. James? Please seek out Rev. McQueen or an Elder at any time. It would be a pleasure to speak with anyone about what it means to worship in a Presbyterian church as a member!
Please take a look at our updated website. On the calendar tab you will find all of the Zoom links for our activities. On the site you will also find an active link to our YouTube page and news about our community involvement activities.
Please visit and subscribe to our Social Media! Log into YouTube on your device and search for "St. James Presbyterian Church Harlem NYC”. You can also join us on Facebook at St. James Presbyterian Church @stjamespresbyterianchurch141.
Happy Mother’s Day! It is the sincere hope and prayer of St. James that all mothers recognize we salute you on this day and all days. We celebrate mothers risking life itself to bring life into the world. We celebrate mothers that opened their doors and hearts to young life with nowhere else to go. We celebrate the mothers love given by all whose spirit lets us know that mothering is a gift in all ways. We celebrate our ancestors who have gone before, the mothers of the church, those who are resting with God on this day, and the mothers whose prayers we still feel no matter what the case may be. God’s blessing, continued blessing, and love to you. Happy Mother’s Day!
Prayer Requests - Let us be prayerful and faithful in the attention given to the sick and shut-in members and friends of St. James Presbyterian Church. Please see one of our deacons or session members for more information. We are praying for you: Elder Butler Dowery, Ms. Fanny Harvey, Ruling Elder Dorothy Green, Ruling Elder Eric Williams, Dr. Frank Lasala, Mrs. Doris Kelsey, Mrs. Ethel Lee, Mrs. Mary Sespedes, Elder Kalua Malau Morrison, Patricia “Pat” Irving, Margaret Davis, Gloria Rhynie, Gwen Daniels, Sunday Simmons, Phillip, Jahya, Deacon Kenneth Ambrose, Lesly Jones and her son Rennick, Stephen Smart, Charles Davis, Phyllis Hope, Joyce Kouassi, Gwendolyn Terrell, Brenda Maxwell Ferebee, our community, all who are grieving, and whoever is on your heart.
Members of St. James, please remember to keep your tithes and offerings current, pray over, and remember to send your 2024 pledge to the church @ [email protected]. You can also sign up for a recurring offering via our website’s PayPal button. For more information on setting up a monthly online offering, please speak to the pastor or a member of the Finance Committee.
Approximately $60 is assessed for our church per member —The Finance/Stewardship Committees.
12 What shall I return to the LORD
for all his bounty to me?~ Psalm 116.
Are you feeling called to make St. James your church home?
If you would like to join or have a conversation about becoming a member, please join us for coffee hour and speak to one of our elders or deacons. Ask about our affiliate membership too! We welcome everyone to consider making St James Presbyterian Church their church home.
St. James Presbyterian Church (USA)
Reverend Derrick W. McQueen, Ph. D., Pastor
Ruling Elder Sevilla Hughes, Clerk of Session
Musician: Ruling Elder Oscar Maxwell
Liturgist: Ruling Elder Andréa Bradford
Email: [email protected]
Address: 409 West 141st Street, New York, NY 10031
Telephone: 212-283-4541 | Fax: 212-283-2144
Liturgical prayers prepared by Rev. Derrick McQueen, Ph. D., 2024
St. James Presbyterian Church (USA)
Reverend Derrick W. McQueen, Ph. D., Pastor
Ruling Elder Sevilla Hughes, Clerk of Session
Musician: Ruling Elder Oscar Maxwell
Liturgist: Ruling Elder Andréa Bradford
Email: [email protected]
Address: 409 West 141st Street, New York, NY 10031
Telephone: 212-283-4541 | Fax: 212-283-2144